I saw my oldest friend recently. I haven’t seen her in almost a month ever since I anonymously trashed her grandson for making a post on his Facebook wall about hacking into people’s accounts.
The whole thing got so out of hand that the kid’s mother and sister jumped into the fray, and then I took the entire post down. I was pretty frazzled by what happened, and had been suffering from depression for quite some time, so I decided to check myself into the inpatient psychiatric clinic for a few days, just to disconnect my mind from the situation.
When I got home I found my spare keys taped to my door, meaning my relationship with her was over. She didn’t bother to come talk to me; she just slapped my keys on the door and left. She actually put me in danger, because if somebody had come by and seen them, they could have let themselves into my apartment and cleaned me out.
So, I saw her sitting on the park bench in front of my building a few days ago. She said to me I didn’t need to be cold to her. I told her that I preferred a clean break, and for as long as I had known her, I had bought her a pack of cigarettes a day, often bought food, and helped out in any way possible.
All that’s over now. She is not in my life, and I can focus more on taking care of myself. I took better care of her than her miserable husband did. When his appendix burst and he almost died, I paid for his TV and phone for an entire week. I also went to see him almost every day, and shaved him when his beard got too thick. I took care of his wife because she had no money while he was in the hospital. I was the only one of anybody he knew who went to visit him. Not even his best friend, who was staying at his apartment, would go see him, because he is such a miserable, bigoted son-of-a-bitch. Nobody, and I mean nobody, wanted to visit him in the hospital, and barely anybody called.
When he got out he was on disability for months, and I continued taking care of them, but once he got his health back he became a miserable prick again, and started treating me like shit.
These are people I don’t need in my life. Although she was a wonderful friend, whenever I was down there, I had to put up with her miserable husband. No more. I am not a doormat, although I will always be kind and generous with those I love.
Love to all!
James M. Weil
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