Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Beware the Beast of Amazon

This morning I made the decision to unpublish El Aguila and Esmeralda. At first I was successful. Both my books had been removed from their site, but at around noon today, Amazon put Esmeralda back up for sale. As of now, a price has not been set.

Right now I am racking my brains trying to figure out how to get out of their iron-clad contract. There is an out, but it is nearly impossible to find it, and they give you no contact information to send them your intentions.

So, as we speak, Amazon prime members are downloading the book in droves for all I know, and I am not getting a dime. I feel like I have been intellectually raped. Beware fellow writers. Amazon is out to kill you. Publishers, I need not say more. Tremble and quake in Amazon’s awesome power, for they fully intend to crush you, and there is nothing you can do about it. You are at the mercy of a malevolent Leviathan that wants your hearts and souls.

Beware, my friends. And love to all!

 James M. Weil

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