I am in the process of interviewing lawyers for a class-action law suit against Amazon for what they did to me, and all other writers who are getting raped by Amazon. Amazon has over 5 million Prime Members. For $79.00 per year, you get a Prime Membership, which entitles you to download thousands of eBooks at no charge. So many idiots just don't see what's happening. Wake up, everyone! Amazon is exploiting creative artists everywhere!
My Esmeralda Community Page has almost 3,700 likes, yet I sold maybe four copies of my book. Now, I am safely saying that well over 5,000 people downloaded Esmeralda, but out of that number only 3,700 people like the Esmeralda Community Page. Let's round that number to 5,000. I am charging $5.00 for my book, so at wholesale I would have made $25,000.00, yet I never saw a dime.
What does that mean to you? That means Amazon is making it very attractive for people to get a Kindle and other compatible eReaders, so they can take advantage of such a sweet deal. This is gutting the New York Brick & Mortar Houses; they simply cannot compete. So, more and more people are going into eBooks, only to find out that they are being exploited by Amazon's incredibly usurious publishing policies.
Three lawyers have told me I have a great case, and one lawyer is already reviewing the KDP contract. Somebody has to take Amazon down. Let it be me. No doubt I will get the shit kicked out of me, but eventually we will prevail, because everything about Amazon's Prime Membership is just so wrong.
Stay tuned folks. This is going to get very interesting, and by the way, Facebook keeps slapping me down with every post I make. Keep on slapping me, bitches. I also have a very popular blog that I maintain only when I feel like it. But if I want to I could draw 5,000 hits per week. I have done it before, and I can do it again. Never fuck with a certified lunatic on a mission from hell.
All my love,
James M. Weil
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